URA 4-8-21

Urban Renewal Public Hearing

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On Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 9:30 AM, the Utica Urban Renewal Agency (“UURA”) will commence a public hearing (“Public Hearing”) pursuant to Sections 201 and 202 of the Eminent Domain Procedure Law (“EDPL”) and Article 15 of the New York General Municipal Law (the “GML”) at UURA’s offices at 1 Kennedy Plaza, Utica, New York 13502. 


At the Public Hearing, UURA will consider the proposed acquisition, through condemnation, of those certain parcels of real property in the City of Utica having tax map parcel identification numbers and descriptions as follows:


  1. a ± .094-acre parcel of property along Columbia Street commonly referred to as 500-504 Columbia Street, tax map parcel 318.33-3-11 (the “500 Columbia Parcel”) owned by 500 Columbia Street, LLC;


  1. a ± 1.09-acre parcel of property along Columbia Street commonly referred to as 411 Columbia Street, tax map parcel 318.41-2-38 (the “JP O’Brien Parcel”) owned by JP O’Brien Plumbing & Heating Supply, Inc.; and


  1. ± .426-acres of property along State and LaFayette Streets commonly referred to as 502-506 and 402 State Street and 510-512 and 508 LaFayette Street, tax map parcels 318.33-3-15, 318.33-3-16, 318.33-3-18, and 318.33-3-19 (together, the “Maugeri Parcels”) owned by Michael J. Maugeri and Thomas V. Maugeri.


In light of the growing demand for healthcare, the UURA has determined that the construction and development of a new, state-of-the-art hospital facility and related infrastructure, including parking facilities (the “Project”), within the City of Utica will provide substantial benefit to and be in the best interest of the public.  The 500 Columbia Parcel, the JP O’Brien Parcel and the Maugeri Parcels (collectively, the “Parcels”) are within the Project area and UURA is desirous of acquiring the Parcels in furtherance of the Project and UURA’s statutory purposes.  UURA has attempted to acquire the Parcels through negotiation by offering the fair market value of the property as determined by a third-party appraisal.   UURA now wishes to evaluate and examine the acquisition by eminent domain of the Parcels.


A DEIS and FEIS was prepared for this Type 1 action by the City of Utica Planning Board as lead agency and a copy of the documents can be found at http://www.cityofutica.com/departments/urban-and-economic-development/planning/mvhs-seqra/index.  The DEIS and FEIS find that the Project is in a blighted area of the City.  Additionally, the Parcels are located within a federally designated “Historically Underutilized Business” (“HUB”) zone.


At the Public Hearing, UURA will further outline the purposes and necessity for the proposed acquisitions.  The Public Hearing will be conducted virtually in accordance with Executive Orders of the Governor of New York State number 202.87 and 202.91. The public is welcome and encouraged to attend the Public Hearing via telephone or virtually.  To attend the WebEx meeting virtually, use the following web address: https://cityofutica.my.webex.com/cityofutica.my/j.php?MTID=m91a5d6218413ea81bebe96902c1f2a19; the meeting number is 132 430 7293 and the Password is r7mSyQV3pC5.  To attend the public hearing by telephone, dial 1-408-418-9388 and use Access code 132 430 7293.  Any person in attendance at the Public Hearing will be given a reasonable opportunity to present an oral or written statement and to submit other documents concerning the proposed project.  A record of the hearing will be kept and copies will thereafter be available to the public for examination without cost during normal business hours at UURA’s offices. 


Mayor Robert Palmieri


Utica Urban Renewal Agency

1 Kennedy Plaza

Utica, New York 13501

(315) 792-0181