WEBVTT 1 "" (0) 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:06.420 I'll have to ask you about, one of the items after this one. 2 "" (0) 00:00:06.420 --> 00:00:10.439 Okay, ok, let's call the meeting order. 3 "" (0) 00:00:10.439 --> 00:00:15.419 Really there's there's nothing else to cover other than the. 4 "" (0) 00:00:15.419 --> 00:00:27.150 Changes to with the Harbor lodging group application that we acted on in December of 23 and. 5 "" (0) 00:00:27.150 --> 00:00:33.480 Linda sent out a, very, detailed memo on. 6 "" (0) 00:00:33.480 --> 00:00:36.780 The changes are lacked thereoff since. 7 "" (0) 00:00:36.780 --> 00:00:43.530 December of 23, Hopefully everyone's read it. 8 "" (0) 00:00:43.530 --> 00:00:48.780 And if we have questions for Linda or you wanna add. 9 "" (0) 00:00:48.780 --> 00:00:56.490 I would say that to start we should go into executive session and the basis of the executive session would be a pending contract. 10 "" (0) 00:00:56.490 --> 00:01:01.080 Okay, so. 11 "" (0) 00:01:01.080 --> 00:01:10.980 2nd favor, I, we're an executive session. Turn off your recording. Yep. 12 "" (0) 00:01:10.980 --> 00:01:16.560 Yeah, make a motion. 13 "" (0) 00:01:16.560 --> 00:01:21.240 Take a motion to come out of the executive session? 14 "" (0) 00:01:21.240 --> 00:01:30.210 I thought we did that. John the 2nd. Okay. 15 "" (0) 00:01:30.210 --> 00:01:34.830 And where is that called meeting. Oh, we already called meeting. Okay. 16 "" (0) 00:01:34.830 --> 00:01:40.680 So our our our direction on the. 17 "" (0) 00:01:40.680 --> 00:01:43.800 Powerpoint application. 18 "" (0) 00:01:43.800 --> 00:01:48.180 To date, they have not complied. 19 "" (0) 00:01:48.180 --> 00:01:51.690 And providing us the information so we could move forward. 20 "" (0) 00:01:51.690 --> 00:01:58.110 With the public hearing, we've also discussed, we've heard. 21 "" (0) 00:01:58.110 --> 00:02:04.350 Hearsay or rumors on changes as it relates to the project. 22 "" (0) 00:02:04.350 --> 00:02:10.920 And some of the fees that they're willing or not willing to pay that we were. 23 "" (0) 00:02:10.920 --> 00:02:17.490 Surprise to hear, other developments that are outside. 24 "" (0) 00:02:17.490 --> 00:02:21.570 This particular application are. 25 "" (0) 00:02:21.570 --> 00:02:26.460 Changes in albany as it relates to. 26 "" (0) 00:02:26.460 --> 00:02:29.670 How idas look at making. 27 "" (0) 00:02:29.670 --> 00:02:34.830 Benefits to developers and the impact it has on school districts. 28 "" (0) 00:02:34.830 --> 00:02:39.180 And related to the Unika school district. 29 "" (0) 00:02:39.180 --> 00:02:44.460 As our understanding that the representatives from the district are very. 30 "" (0) 00:02:44.460 --> 00:02:52.050 Anxious to know when the public hearing for this particular application is going to be set. 31 "" (0) 00:02:52.050 --> 00:02:56.190 Is our strong feelings that they will be there. 32 "" (0) 00:02:56.190 --> 00:03:01.080 To voice their opposition to what. 33 "" (0) 00:03:01.080 --> 00:03:04.500 We have preliminarily approved. 34 "" (0) 00:03:04.500 --> 00:03:08.460 That's a lot to take in, however, it does. 35 "" (0) 00:03:08.460 --> 00:03:13.770 It does signal some material. 36 "" (0) 00:03:13.770 --> 00:03:17.550 Changes in this application. 37 "" (0) 00:03:17.550 --> 00:03:26.580 And at this point, we would direct our council, legal council, to put a draft letter together. 38 "" (0) 00:03:26.580 --> 00:03:32.190 For our review and from there we will send it to the applicant. 39 "" (0) 00:03:32.190 --> 00:03:43.890 Outlining our concerns and tell them we cannot move forward until, those concerns are resolved. 40 "" (0) 00:03:43.890 --> 00:03:48.990 Is there any, did I miss anything in what we've discussed? 41 "" (0) 00:03:48.990 --> 00:03:54.720 I think that's I think that's the feeling of the board. 42 "" (0) 00:03:54.720 --> 00:04:07.110 Okay, so Linda and Laura if you could please put that together and then we could work on that and and and get it out to the applicant next week. 43 "" (0) 00:04:07.110 --> 00:04:10.980 We can do that. 44 "" (0) 00:04:10.980 --> 00:04:18.030 Right, is there any other questions on our one item on the agenda today? 45 "" (0) 00:04:18.030 --> 00:04:27.179 Hearing none, look for a motion to adjourn. Call in favor. Hi. Meetings adjourned. 46 "" (0) 00:04:27.179 --> 00:04:30.719 Sure. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.